Sunday, May 3, 2020


Every Woman Every Child

Since 2011, Israel has been pursuing better healthcare for women and their families. They have set emergency units for both infant and pregnant women in their country to minimize neonatal death rates and take care of infant injuries. Total of $100000 was the set budget for new implementation last year. With this goal, they provide care of women who have AIDS/HIV and are pregnant since it is a huge risk to take as mother delivers the baby and possibly transmit it to others. Israel believes in making the mothers safe and comfortable regarding their situation, religion, background, and/or culture. Israel is also getting hospital staff properly trained in any kind of birth emergencies to provide best quality care possible for these women.

Scholarships in Public Health

Israel has funded 20 scholarships for the past 5 years to students who will study Public Health affairs in Jerusalem. The students get a whole year's worth of study time as well as boarding and flight accommodations. Israel has the biggest university for Public Health in the area for the past fifty years, they accept students from all other countries too. Total of  90 different countries to be exact in the past year. Public Health and Community Health plays a major contribution to the sustainable goals in Israel as well as equal opportunity for a higher education.
Below we see the Hebrew Faculty of Medicine in the early ages when the university opened since 1940's and has been accumulating other majors in the medical field.

Students Strike


Israel's Women and Children's Health. (2020) Retrieved from

Israel Sustainable Goals. (2020) Retrieved from

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Promoting Safety in Ecuador

Sexual violence against women has been on the sustainable plans for many years in Ecuador. Since 2008, the government has been working on cases and helping women file attacks. There's about 456 victim cases filed, yet since 2010, there has only been a total of 15 cases reported. They hope that the executions of predators and abusers have really made people think twice about their actions. 1 out of 4 women and girls report abuse in their lifetime. Although in 2019, women's murder cases did decrease at rate of 32, but it is a very delicate subject for all women and girls since most births are caused by rape. Government in Ecuador hope to keep working with schools to promote less child abuse and reduce attacks as well.

Labor Rights

Since 2020, Ecuador has shut down the Furuwaka Plantations to give the Afro-Europeans equality. The plantations had harsh restrictions on employees and had no insurance or safety laws to protect them against injury or illness. This April, they are conducting more audits and expeditions on the management of the plantations to make sure they are following regulations for safety.

Three major goals that were reached by 2016:
* Increased production of native agriculture like quinoa
* 40% participation of women in local production of food
* Strengthen food production safety

galapagos-tortoiseHere's a cute picture from the Galapago's Island. I had no idea that this was the oldest national park of Ecuador, very beautiful. Photo credit:


World Report 2020. Ecuador. (2020). Retrieved from

Sustainable Goals. Ecuador. (2020). Retrieved from

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Health, Safety, and Sustainable Goals

Qatar has really increased in high quality life and tourism in the past years. From modern housing and landscapes, museums, parks, and health centers like hospitals to a new railsystem in 2019. One of their goals for 2030 is to have more cities like Pearl and Lusail Cities, where people have less prejuidice systems and are allowed to enjoy all natural resources equally. They will also be hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2022.

Health Day around the World

Qatar has launched their first OSH policy in April 2019. This targets the safety of all construction employees and keeps them coming home to their families in a safe and happy manner. As stated before, they have launched a new rail system. This OSH policy basically made it happen with safety drills, health check ups and proper training. This program also allowed students to be employed and trained, with a total of 15000 employees. By promoting safety, they also encouraged mental health and supported employees in high risk labors. Qatar minister has really focused in decreasing work related injuries and safety compliance for all companies. Qatar will continue to promote health services and demosntrations for all further construction jobs.


OSH. (2019) Retrieved from

Sustainable Goals. Qatar. (2020) Retrieved from


Saturday, April 4, 2020


Sustainable Development for Panama

Goal 16 -  Panama is focusing in all-inclusinve, rights-based, equal-oppurtunity and dignifying opportunity for all citizens to raise universal standards of living and better services, like healthcare, education, equal pay, transportation, and amenities.

Panama is part of the (EPIC) equal pay international coalition for women with other countries who have pledged the same goal like, Canada, Iceland, South Africa, Republic of Korea, and Switzerland. Together, they promote private partners and business to decrease the gender gap. This allows peaceful acts between communities since Goal 16 is about promoting peace and justice for all.

"16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
16.8 Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance"

The U.S Strategy for Central America, includes Panama, and focuses in "1) promoting prosperity, 2) enhancing security, and 3) improving governance." The Panama Canal helps both economies in the trade system. The U.S receives seafood, gold, sugar cane, and bananas and pineapples from Panama. One dollar is equal to Panama's currency, one Panamanian balboa. See picture below.  Photo credit:


EPIC. (2020) Retrieved from

Panama Sustainable Development. (2020) Retrieved from

Goal 16 targets. UN Sustainable Goals (2020). Retrieved from

U.S in Panama. Retrieved from

Friday, March 13, 2020


Spain's Sustainable Development Plan- Goal 16

Bilbao International Art & Fashion (BIAAF)

Spain is part of the BIAAF program that promotes equality for students in fashion design and entrepreneurs. Human Rights movements have been on going for the past decade and this is one of them. Spain encourages every year young students and women to take action on this with their creativity and unique designs. 90 other countries also participate in this program with Spain, and that's about 1200 designers from all over Europe. Barcelona is one of the main cities where the art industry is seen as equal opportunities for all. Scholarships are given yearly to support quality education and boost the fashion industry.

The awards are given in 3 categories: Best Outfit Design, Best Accessory Design, and Best Basque Design. BIAAF has their contest yearly, so the students get to work hard until February where they will do the first cut.

Eneko Iturbe Balzola, from Spain was the  Special Category winner for this in 2018. He explains the inspiration of the piece from Spain's Civil War outfits.
photo credit:

Sustainable Goal 16 states,
"16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
 16.B Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development"
Spain has certainly followed through with this goal for all Art students, no gender exclusion. 


BIAAF. Retrieved fro

Spain Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved from

UN Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved from

Monday, March 2, 2020

New Zealand

Maternal, Newborn And Child Health Program in New Zealand

New Zealand has created a program that targets neonatal deaths and maternal issues like malnutrition, pneumonia, and diarrhea. This program has decreased mortality rates and accomplished better care for mothers. Government officials as well as health care providers and organizations have been working together to eliminate the risks of using bottlenecks. They have also focused on better quality health care for things like vitamins, equipment, vaccines, and other supplies needed while pregnant.

By 2017, there was alot of improvements with children under 5 years of age. The rates for polio, measles, and hepatitis B decreased significantly. Since 2017 they have also had better antibiotics to treat threatening illnesses including pneumonia and TB. Government's ten year goal plan is to reduce low income households and treat all children by 2028. Child's well-being has been taken into consideration for the past years, as they have also contributed in 2017 to "Family Packages" which has helped alot of low income families.

He waka eke noa - ‘we are all in this together’ – is a Māori proverb and the title to our first VNR reflecting the government’s policy of ‘leaving no one behind’. 
New Zealand rated second safest country in the world, after Iceland. One of the reasons why policemen don't carry firearms. Sounds nice right?

Photo credit: Taranaki Region retrieved from


New Zealand Main Messages. (2019) Retrieved from

Voluntary National Review,New Zealand. (2019) Retrieved from

New Zealand Now. A Safe Country. Retrieved from

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Goal 16 - Armenia's Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform


Goal 16 Promotes peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development and justice for all.

Armenia is known to be very productive in their agricultural aspect within the country. Most of the population work in agriculture, very self-sufficient growing potatoes, melons, fruits, and legumes. Although they do raise cattle, they are low on pork production.
November 2010 the RA Government adopted the Republic of Armenia Strategy for Rural and Agricultural Development. This allowed the population to work efficiently with their resources and find partnerships to develop organic farming and food security. One of the major goals was to conserve as much energy as they could, but still have employment for all citizens. In 2010, they also increased in imported goods that helped with the low income communities. The foreign trade increased by 14% total than the previous year, which is very good for their economy, as well as increase rate of 10.7% for food imports. With these rates they were able to sustain jobs and increase wages.

As for health equity and health resources, Armenia is still having issues in the lower income communities and report low on health visits. Hospital visits still remain very high for all the patients, and they are trying to fix that issue since it has been noted that oncology patients are the highest.

Armenia still has a plan to develop and follow many democratic principles in their country that can benefit their population. They want to strengthen the "Green Economy" idea so they can be have a better landscape planning for their resources and keep promoting equality versus monopolies.

Flag of Armenia
Photo from


UN Armenia Office. (2012) Armenia Report, Retrieved from