Sustainable development Goal 16 focuses on promoting justice for all, creating safety for all citizens in their country with strong help public services to ensure that everyone can live among themselves in peace. Removing dangers and violence from everyday living among all children regardless their background and securing stable communities.
One of the main targets for this goal is worldwide birth registrations to implement human rights and protect growing communities. That is due to the fact that only 73% of children under 5 year of age are being registered globally. This way they can provide better healthcare and education for all children and protect their rights as citizens. The goal is to have legal indent in all countries by 2030.
Why is this sustainable goal important?
About 4 million people are stateless and have no support from strong laws or policies. This affects their wellbeing by living in an unstable environment and reduces chances of their families getting quality healthcare and education if they are not supported by their government. The universal declaration of Human Rights establishes that all, "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty."
Ghana has created a "leave no one behind" plan to expand a social protection system where mothers and children have support in rural populations or hard to reach areas with unemployment and less education. The government is creating a better stragedy with the media to raise awareness in schools and get the youth involved in better activities while growing up. They also increased 15% since 2015 in helping pregnant women's healthcare with free maternal care and immunizations for children. Although Ghana still faces a lot of poverty issues, they are still developing way to promote a safer and cleaner environment for all families and hope to have better jobs since 2017.
To find more information about Ghana please visit
See how you can support them with their goals.
Ghana Flag photo from: National Human Development
United Nations. Ghana. (2019) Retrieved from
United Nations. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (2019) Retrieved from
United Nations. Sustainable Development Goals. (2019) Retrieved from
great.. is this for any educational purpose ?
ReplyDeleteYes this is for my global health course at TWU. Thanks for checking it out!